Living dead piling up at the Doors of Seven Kingdoms. Don’t take Europe as the seven kingdoms, it’s the discarded, the living dead. Seven Kingdoms is the realm of human concepts that we have to save. Because at he end of the story nobody wins, not even the story tellers.
The concepts that we have to save starts with the humanity, continues with intellect, love, compassion, temperance and hundreds derived from them and being lost to ignorism of the 21st century. This is a recent invention. Compared to vast technical capabilities of human society, and inter connected planetary civilization; our capability of humanity lags behind. Whatever we have technically owes to humanity, care for others. Care for others had to increase over time with the technical capability, yet we chose the other way. Getting in your own way, causing problems to yourself because of vacancy. Instead, we should notice the avocation, vocation of enlightenment, and it only happens through paying price of enlightening.
If we look at the dissemination of enlightenment among the civilizations we see the most successful ones were illimunating the most in the best quality. Europe leaded the world in this sense, made an example of lifestyle that we have now. However the descendants of enligteheners now complain about the opportunities. The opportunity is to illuminte further than the borders of Christianity. The greatest chance is to help the unenlightened and elighten yourself first in this instance.

According to a US. congress report majority of European citizens don’t want Turkey in European Union. Whilst the there are many comments on European or Turkish sides that Turkey is actually a de facto member of the union. Yet the union holds the door against Turkey due to political reasons. Turkish state aspires to be a member, albeit governments can hesitate for full support.
Europe was in a similar crisis two millenia and a milennia ago as well. They solved the problem by coming close to the threats that they faced. They understood that turning a blind eye may result in catasthrophies when it’s macro demographics. The ones that moved closer to threat lived a millenia more, than they also collapsed due to negligence.
A millenia later, Europe should again move to the east to face the problem before the problem devours all living beings. It already devoured most of the birthplace of civilization. European Union and the western countries should move to east, not literally maybe but academically maybe. They should always study the greatest case. They should make Istanbul, at least their educational or crisis capital for incoming demographic issues.
Make Turkey a capital, a springboard or a stepping stone into the problem. The problem is the humanitarian crisis of turning a blind eye on the greatest issue, the problem of the middle east. The hypocrisy of the western media is like an elephant in the newsroom, nobody speaks about. Western support for Israel is actually an obstacle in their own way, they support ignorance in defiance of the truth. The Palestinian cause is not even mentioned in the West, let alone be supported as the Ukranian cause. Many independent viewpoints agree that there is an inconsistency in European politics.
The unethical stance of European Union must bring shame, and they should confess their crime against themselves. The crime is ignoring their own solution. The solution is not killing those people, it’s enlightening them, not with Israeli bombs of course. Enlightening with long term social, economic, infrastructure projects. Why would you bother to destroy millions of people, while it’s possible to make them a part of you. They even volunteer, why would your force them to be enemy? You wouldn’t do that, but someone else with political and hidden accounts would do.
Defense lines or walls of protection have no function but dysfunction for Europe. Education lines and walls of social buildings will turn the foes into friends. Humans have such a debt to humans, at least not to make enemies unnecessarily. Let’s build bridges instead of destroying them. Bombs cost a lot, they cost our humanity, our only identity we can hold onto. We can’t hold onto weapons, not in this way. It’s time to face the problem and solve it by approaching instead of leaving it to falcons of NATO. Turkey is a great opportunity between Middle East and West, let’s use it wisely and enlarge, enlarge our humanity beyond the horizons of our limited geography, to the ideals of humanity.