Türkiye may be the next big thing in politics by being authentic

Türkiye may be the next big thing in politics by being authentic

The evolution of political systems and governance, especially in the context of Türkiye and the Ottoman Empire, presents a fascinating contrast between authenticity and imitation. Historically, the Ottoman Empire stood out as a model of successful governance because it created its own solutions to address its unique challenges. The Empire’s most notable achievement was its ability to navigate a diverse and multi-ethnic society through the innovative millet system, which allowed different religious communities autonomy while remaining loyal to the Sultan. This system is an example of how the Empire’s state model was tailored to its context, making it a working and effective structure for its time.

Fast forward to modern-day Türkiye, which finds itself in a similar struggle. As the successor to the Ottoman Empire, Türkiye faces the challenge of reinventing its own state model in the face of pressures to conform to Western standards. While European-inspired reforms are often viewed as the path to modernization, the reality is that what works for Europe does not necessarily suit Türkiye’s unique cultural, historical, and geopolitical context. The state model created by the Ottoman Empire, though imperfect, was more aligned with Türkiye’s needs and identity than the Western models it attempted to imitate.

Ottoman Empire named itself as Sublime State. as the name goes, it was sublime. It was different, because they were doing their own thing. In other words, the state was a working model for its context.


Being yourself, being an authentic is the best for finding solutions. The remedy for our problems is within ourselves. It starts with a good identity model. Than follows external resources. The Ottoman Empire was authentic. They created their own solutions for its own problems. Millet System is one of an example. The Ottoman sultan even instituted new laws and traditions alternative to Islamic culture. Nevertheless, when it imitated the west, the state collapsed. What remains from the sublime state? The potential to be one.

Thus far, Türkiye tries as hard as it can as the main successor, to renovate its empire, yet it fail again and again. The officials think European clothes make the man; the man is from Türkiye and it has to be from Turkish fashion. Besides, the shoe doesn’t fit to Türkiye and it’s now barefoot.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Just like anyone else, states also need to find original solutions to original problems. Türkiye having a unique position among the nations, must have a unique model of state. Ottoman Empire made it a sublime state, apart from Islamic or European ones. Türkiye may also create a new model, and even sublime state for the needs of its environment. A solution from First French Republic, and status quo supporters make the state unbearable.

This article series will focus on the possible new model of Türkiye, continuing with the potential that was handed down by Ottoman Empire.


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