As a duty to the society that nurtured us, we contribute to human culture. We contribute to our civilization, humanity and nature, starting from our immediate surroundings. If this contribution is made from the closest to the farthest line, we will provide the most efficient contribution to the group of which we are a part. In other words, if the individual corrects himself, the family corrects itself, and the country corrects itself, humanity will correct itself. For this, we took the language, which is the essential element of humanity, as a basis and took the responsibility of the speakers in our own mother tongue. This responsibility is the recognition and promotion of Turkish culture, which means the human products accumulated around Turkish.
Recognizing is to present them to themselves as a mirror to Turkish speakers, and to promote them is to create a universal reference by presenting them to other cultures and human culture. If knowing yourself is the key to freedom, and expressing yourself is the key to success, then knowing and introducing ourselves are our main duties. While we familiarize with our personality, our family, our social groups, we must also familiarize with our species and nature. However, by determining the scope and limits of the work, we aim to achieve major goals in an organized manner and to take minor steps of the great enlightenment journey. We aim to enlighten ourselves through enlightening our surroundings.
Our aim is education in its simplest form. We do the cultural transfer, which is the most sacred work that people can do for other people, in the most effective way and in accordance with the spirit of the time, on the Internet and by interacting. Our first goal is to make web and social media publications. We consider this the contemporary manifestation of the enlightenment campaign of every intellectual. We aim to change the world through education, through dialectical discussions, what the academic tradition has done since Plato.
Change in society is primarily achieved through education. Education is a long-term, idealistic endeavour. We can liken it to saying “what should be” and striving in advance. Since the products are not harvested immediately, those who are not conscious do not aspire to this. Human history has proven that education is the most profitable investment.
The second way to create change in society is non-governmental organizations and judicial control. It is trying to create and control social institutions and organizations. “It is to direct and control what is.” It brings success in the medium term, but is a more difficult, costly way of debugging in uneducated societies. The corruption of unchecked power is the most pervasive event in political history.
The last and the shortest-term path to social change is leadership. The pioneer of change is to “be” and actually do what needs to be done. It provides a solution in the short term, but it is difficult to find a leader who will be the subject of change, except in urgent times and special situations. The cost and burden of the leader is high, the solution should not be left to the leader. History is full of records of changes and traumas created by leaders.
As a result, we do our part and what should be done, starting from our environment and education. We are trying to produce content that will set an example for Turkey and the world on the turk.cafe site.
The content will be factual and objective instead of theoretical and subjective statements. The aim is to analyse,not to impose subjective ideals. Therefore, we always start with describing “what is” and keep on with “why is” then follow with “what will be” and conclude “what to do.” What to do? seems like a normative related to ideals, yet it’s more likle to be in the prescriptive style of a doctor,relying on an etyology of event.