Historical context
Türkiye and USA share the common feature of being established by migrants in late modernity. These two nationalities are the last to make a homeland. One might say Israel is also a migrant state, that is anew to its lands, but it’s both too late and too different from these two states. Besides Israel seems like an ethnic purifier police state, that has closed borders for foreigners. Conversly, USA and Türkiye are still transformin by huge number of migrants. Additionally, Türkiye and USA owes their existence to the influx of migrants from east, contrary to Israel, who only makes home for Western Jewish population.

- Türkiye and USA are composed of prosecuted peoples of Asia and Europe in the late modern era. Turks have migrated from Central Asia in the fear of Mongol brutalism. Whereas Americans are the mix of protestan peoples of Europe feared prosecution from orthodox governments.
- Türkiye and USA has no characteristic DNA, ethnic composition or cultural purity to claim arianism. Turks were military elite in their geoghraphy. They were always a minority and were keen to interbreed in all of their states. Türkiye, for example is a complete mosaic of all the gene pool around. In fact, such a complex DNA pool is also a result of being a transit point of all civilization. USA is not a transit point but a migrant destination.
- Apart from being nations of immigrants, Türkiye and USA formally host the greatest number of immigrants world-wide.
- Türkiye and United States of America desperately need immigrant work force to sustain their economy. The residents of Türkiye and the USA don’t apply for low end jobs. Americans, and Turks fill their vacant, non-appealing work-force gaps with immigrants.
- Public opinion towards immigrants and refugees are both mixed in these countries. Although it’s rapidly declining Americans mostly view immigrants positively. Turks are evenly divided in terms of refugees.
- Both Türkiye and United states face significant challanges on smuggling and trafficking and spend considerable efforts to combat.
- Detention and deportation seems alike in two countries. Both send non legal immigrants to home, not being too strict over the informal work-force that is necessary for the economy.
- Türkiye originates from Asian and Eurasian cultures. USA originates from Western, particularly north-western Europe and Latin American cultures.
- Türkiye hosts mostly Middle Eastern refugees, primarily 3.4 million Syrians, USA hosts mostly Latin American immigrants, South Asians come second. Afghans, Uzbeks and Syrians see Türkiye as a jumping board, USA is usually the end node.
- USA is 13 times bigger and 1/3 denste, despite being 250 million more people. The USA can handle many times the number of immigrants.
- Türkiye shares land borders of warring and civil strifen countries such as Syria, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia and maritime borders with Cyprus, Ukraine, Russia, Palestine, Israel, Egypy, Lebanon. This makes Türkiye binding to international agreements over taking the refugees in, however USA only accepts the much needed work force for itself.
- Türkiye has a relatively weak passport compared to USA, and doesn’t require visas for most countries. The ease of visa meks Turkey vulnerable for illegal immigration.
- Turkey provides citizenship through investment or buying Turkish bonds. It’s significantly harder to obtain USA citizenship.
- Türkiye needs foreign aid to sustain immigrants, and comply with international conventions. USA usually takes independent steps in managing the situation.
- Turkish leftist opposition party CHP is against immigration, conservatist ruling party AKP is supportive. American leftist ruling party DP is supportive to immigration, conservatist RP is against immigration.
- Türkiye provides basic healtcare and schooling for refugees, on the other hand, US. doesn’t even provide healthcare to its natural citizens.