Lessons of history and Turkish example

Lessons of history and Turkish example

What lessons does the history of individuals, societies, and species teach us? History means 1. Past events, 2. Historiography, 3. “History as a type of literature”. Here, we mean science and literary type, especially the meaning of past events. What lesson does the past teach us? What do the empirical existence of events, the science of this, and the texts tell us?

The history of societies does nearly the same job as our individual past, memories and memories. Learning a lesson and then doing better and creating a reference point. Learning points to a history in the sense of accumulation in order to develop and exalt over time. The reference-base point also points to history as a criterion that convinces us to live by creating the illusion that it is an improvement-development, progress.

Turkish history example

1- We have a history that changes according to the meaning of Turkish. What is Turkish? Turkish is the common culture of those living within the borders of today’s Turkey. This includes the products in Oghuz Turkish that continue in Anatolia. When we look at the history that is present in this language, we see a fluctuating graphic. Let’s also say that Turks can’t utilize their history, we do not remember it properly. Either we’re looking at the wrong place or we have problems with remembering.

2- A culture that has a solid footing on its foundations flourishes and develops. What do we think ourselves? Are we stepping on our concrete foundations? When we look at the Anatolian civilizations, it is seen that the societies established here flourish when they become “themselves”, and are shaken and destroyed when something else is tought to be at the foundation. Knowing and diagnosing yourself is a priority task. If we think that we are Göktürks, Seljuks, Ottomans, we would be wrong. They may be the origin of our culture, but we are something else, the product of this time. To think that we are them would be an illusion. We should create a completely different structure like they did.

3- If we do not study the failures as much as the successes in our history, we will experience failure again and again, and we will fail twice, thinking ourselves successful. Self-criticism, learning lessons is the great opportunity in failure. We must turn the crisis into an opportunity and turn our predicament into a narrative of change.

4- No pain no gain. Individuals may make a living by stealing, but countries and societies must invest in their culture. Physical strength, power is required to a certain extent. Man makes himself lasting with knowledge and ideal efforts. If there is no mental development besides physical development, that culture has no future and cannot make its present valuable.

5- Adaptation is the need of every living thing and every being. Not adapting to the necessities of the age is a sign of getting stucked in the past.. Getting stuck in the past is irrational stubbornness. It might be a result of overprotection, too much fear and worry over the things that doesn’t happen but “might” happen. Those who lived in the past perished, who lived in the future also perished as ideals can be wrong. The case is to do the required, necessary action NOW!

6- We have to write everything down, record everything. We don’t know what it will be used for in the future. The Turks were very late in writing their history and had to learn their history from their enemies. Making history without writing history has no function for the future. Every state, every person disappears, only knowledge remains.

7- If you have not seen a culture other than your own, you cannot know your own culture. We know ourselves by reference to another. By recognizing others, one discerns that there is such a thing as oneself. It is natural for the cultures stuck in the interior regions to lag behind and the ones on the sea coast to develop. Diversity both activates thought mechanisms and brings development with all kinds of trade. Our culture longed for otherness, did not learn a foreign language and had to neglect its own culture by breaking away from the world.

8- If war is inevitable, victory is certain, if we are honest, we should allow fear and go towards the enemy and live what must be lived. We must do the inevitable, proudly and willingly. Wisdom requires no choice. We are prepared for what we will do, that’s wisdom, otherwise we are part of a tragic narrative. In the fight against the inevitable, such as war and disease, we must cut all boundaries.

9- Everything gets old, needs updating. Even though social institutions such as religion, education, politics, economy and family fascinate us, they can succumb to time and become an obstacle. They need to be revived, criticized, and checked by dialectics at all times.

10- Law and tradition are so fundamental to being a society that these two reflect the character of society. If the legal circle is shaken, there will be no trust in that society. Traditions hold the society like a safety valve, but this is not valid a mechanism, not a machine in our age; is a precaution. We must do whatever it takes to establish the law. It is necessary not to search for the criminal with drums, including not to talk about morality and decency. Talent will not be revealed unless there is a reliable law, such as a contract for people to work upon.

11- If the game is set up in this way, it is necessary to deal with it and to create its own exaltation narrative. Turkey’s neighbours are not Sweden and Norway. According to this, it is necessary to be alert and ready for this struggle. Our head should not be in Scandinavia, we cannot ignore the burden of geography. As we take on the burden of being in-between, let’s not forget that we are at the top of the world in terms of quality, if not quantity.

12- You cannot drive a water mill with hand-carried buckets of water. Temporary solutions bring permanent problems. Long-term efforts are required to solve a problem radically. Governments, kings, bureaucrats pass; long-term labour remains. Law is a medium-term solution, and education is a long-term solution. It is not possible to talk about the future of a society without a permanent improvement and without intensive labour and resources.

13- The best thing we can do for a country is to contribute to its culture. Country is culture after all. Cultural warfare is a higher endeavor than fighting at the war front, because even if the country is destroyed, the culture persists. Even if the planet is destroyed, information is transported and stored. Maybe the castles we built will be destroyed, but no one can harm a literary work or a thought we produce.

14. Adapting to the human culture of the changing world should be aimed, but better is to create the culture of the future and set a model. The best way to resolve cultural corruption, culture shock, culture delay, assimilation, conflict is to create a model for other cultures and humanity to follow. If you do not set an ideal for your people, someone else will.

15. Shame and embarrassment is the greatest betrayal of a culture. Nobody is perfect, you can fall behind. A mistake may have been made or something truly embarrassing may have been done. Positive language should be used. If the human brain visualizes negative discourse in its head, it cannot get out of the whirlpool. Instead of saying “don’t show this behaviour”, the alternative should be “show that good behaviour” and people should not be scared. Fear, sadness, anger, shame, guilt are functional in preventing something, but to be human is to reveal new things. Activating people with love, happiness and wonder is more helpful in both behaviour change and being human.

16. It is necessary to listen to the feedback. If we start deluding ourselves with hopes and dreams and find excuses, we end up in great pain. It’s the best to face reality and grow through little pains and learn from them. Turkey, the society that has not been able to modernize for the longest time with its 300-year adventure, it’s time to make use of our pain and to understand the function of history, especially by correcting the mistake in our perception of history.

17. A country should not depend on individuals. No one can trust a political structure that is the plaything of egos. The state should be an unfeeling, unburdened mechanism and should not be open to abuse by any party. The strong state is the universal state, the devlet-i ali(sublime state). Expecting him to reflect his own wishes establishes a family business, not a state. A state that “does what is necessary”, an administration that punishes even those who founded it and directs it to what should be, should be the only ideal.

18. In a chaotic ancient geography, everyone can have faults. It is not possible to seek perfection for now. The one who seeks perfection is the imperfect. We cannot choose exact and solid solutions in such an environment. For example, we shouldn’t kill people. Because killing and destroying doesn’t solve problems. The problem is one level behind the more abstract and physical world. To destroy is not to solve. In this region where everyone can be wrong, we may have prevented the disclosure of ideas by intimidating and intimidating for 300 years with sharp rhetoric and definitive solutions.

19. Every country’s responsible from its political borders, just like every sheep is hanged by its own leg. Politics is not a place for an adventure. It is necessary to be a nation of political borders. If Turkishness comes out of the way it is defined in the constitution, we would be stepping on the wrong place. We might crash because the stepping stone is not there. In this regard, the lessons and arguments of the First World War are a must do research.

20. Just as families create nations, nations make humanity. Nations should not betray humanity, just as families should not betray nations. A nation should prefer to leave life rather than show acts contrary to human dignity. Betrayal of humanity will of course come to light, even needing it is a sign of a bad enough life.


No matter what, a country always has a way out. A nation cannot be inferior or left behind. While individuals start a business from scratch and rise to the size of a country, there is nothing that a country, which is a big business, cannot do. If we realize that we are looking at the “now” while looking at the past, that is, if we take our prejudices and fallacies into account, we will have a “true” history. Reality is only in the moment, the moment tells us that we have to work and enjoy it.

When I look at our own history, I see a narrative of change that will make the stars jealous. There are some downfalls, some developments, some embarrassments yes; but it was not promised that these would not happen! It was not promised that there would be no disgrace, that we would not die. Whatever happens, we learn from history that we have to fight with our people as a requirement of being a body, being a family, and being a homeland.

We see the opportunity of the worst case, the beauty of the worst case is in its dissolution and looking at it as history.


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