Turkish submission to EU and the Germans in three world wars

Turkish submission to EU and the Germans in three world wars

After the Tanzimat (1839) and Islahat (1856) edicts, which were declared under the pressure of Western states, the EU Harmonization Laws (2001) were also enacted under a similar obligation, and Turkey is striving to become a part of Europe.

The former bohemoth of Eurasia and todays regional power Turkey gets defeated voluntarily in the perpetual Third World War against, Germany. Good news is that Turkey isn’t alone, whole Europe except Britain (in the last minute), didn’t resist such an invasion. It seems if you invade in stealth mode, everyone is happy, who could have guessed it was just a stealth button to be pushed?

In both world wars Germany tried to take over the world, thanks to its military strength. They lost both with close call. Nobody predicted the outcome though, wars made Germany stronger. It’s the most admired of all economies and its quality of production is well above the counterparts. Any winning situation could have diluted Germany, as it did to Ottomans from Turkish perspective.

British fear of German takeover is not news to anyone, Brexit may be an attempt to prevent it. What can be other advantages to leave a common market that the countries profits heavily rely on? -When enemies also profit. Another conspiracy would be Britain and USA leaving Europe to its doom over migration, Eurasian political issues, geographical crises. We should leave it by telling the causes are never clear in politics, resorting us to speculate.

Just like the Third World War myth as there has been multiple world wars after the second one albeit not “hot”, “union” concept is also a victim of our conceptual zealotry. Wars have changed shape, unions as well. Cold war, economic war, cultural war, ideological war, information war, cyber war: different appearances of same essence. Unions are established for wars to come, and Turkey searches for a union for over two centuries. It also seeks for its doom.

From 18th century to this day Ottomans and Turkey have been proud to be considered European. Treaty of Paris in 1856 admitted Turkey to Concert of Europe in return for concessions from the sultan. Ottoman Empire was seeking for a European protector for decades until Britain seemed the best alternative. The conomy was capitulated by British first, Than territorial concessions came, in one case Britain was given Cyprus in return for “promise of protection” Consequently, Brits were rampant over their demands, carving up middle east and bestowing new states to different ethnicities, while destroying former states of British isles.

Any union will dissolve from both parties, some giveaways are certain from either the monarch or junior. This not a big deal if it’s done in stealth and even charming if the monarch is a bit capricious. Such is the case of Germany and the European Union vs Turkey. Turkey wants to be invaded by European Union, if not European companies. It’s called investing, a recent example is brokering Wolkswagen to open a factory. In fact Turkish state even masterminded to export labour force to Germany, starting from 1961.

The myth of Third World War is already past, and Germany seems to be winning it through not invading. The union, if not the invasion is at the doorsteps of Russia. How ironic that the borders are similar to ones that were in the world wars! The borders of German companies if not the European Union and its regulations if not the soldiers look alike. Third world war is past and Turkey does the same of what it did a century ago, relinquishing the control to Germans.


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