Will we be heirs and doormans or founders and builders?

Will we be heirs and doormans or founders and builders?

Despite the psychoses of the doorman Napoleon and his surroundings, his continued megalomania endangers the future of children. Especially if this is a country, there is no possibility of hospitalization, and it raises millions of disturbed children. In the children of such individuals, symptoms such as mood disorders, anxiety, family communication issues, low self-esteem, isolation, anger outbursts, and genetic predisposition can be observed. (GPT 15.02.25) According to GPT, all these factors are present in Turkey’s mass psychology and have been matched as follows: the 1980 Coup, anxieties towards Greece and neighboring countries, exaggeration of successes abroad, the saying “There is no friend but a Turk,” lynching and pogroms, and the inability to resolve these issues for centuries.

How will we save the children? Future generations do not have to be like this. However, they cannot be saved immediately. It takes time and requires paying a price. The primary price is the confession of the legacy we inherited from our ancestors. Every inheritance is a burden; those who squander it for pleasure alone become spendthrifts. Inheritance harms irresponsible people. If it causes harm, rejecting the inheritance, even if it is a great one, was the path chosen by the founders of the republic.

As stated in the 1839 Tanzimat Edict, the state has been struggling to implement reforms for 150 years. Another 80 years have passed since then, yet the desired success has not been achieved. The Tanzimat Edict stated that backwardness was due to non-compliance with Sharia, but 230 years later, the founders took a different path, assuming it was “because of Sharia,” and adopted an approach of eradicating everything old. This time, it became excessively Napoleonic and French. The fact that Westernization had already begun in the late Ottoman period may indicate that it was a state-driven movement.

Now, Turkish children are being shaken by yet another revolution after the Tanzimat, Islahat, and Republican reforms. The European Union Harmonization Laws bring about changes as radical as the revolutions of our ancestors. Similar to what happened in 1839, the doorman’s household rules are being changed not voluntarily but under Western pressure. (Artificial Intelligence)

More important than the doorman are the children. Unless they break this chain somewhere, this three-hundred-year-old problem will continue to manifest in different forms. We can solve this problem, which stems from dishonesty, first by discussing it and then by working on it. As with every reformist regulation, we should not do it to “honor our ancestors,” but rather by admitting defeat and confessing it. For example, in the education system, each minister changes names to please the executive and the electorate, while in reality ensuring the continuity of the old order. The Maarif Model, introduced in 2024, is nothing more than an Arabic-named imitation of international diploma programs. Let us also note that, like the Tanzimat Edict, this model is a half-reform, despite being a positive development.

The consequences fall on the children. The doorman may suffer from his own actions, but society is also responsible for the children. We may take pride in our ancestors’ legacy and miss out on living in the present. Or, we can focus on our work. We can solve the problems caused by dishonesty without doing much at all—without unnecessary anxieties, without overthinking, just by focusing on the people and the problem at hand.


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